Friday, February 8, 2013

If anyone knows me very well, you will know that John Green is my favorite author. Anyone who else is a fan, you might have watched his vlogs on his Youtube account. At the beginning of the video, Green begins to discuss how ready students should be returning to school after summer to learn about the great achievements we have made. He then goes into saying how we do not take our education for granted, "you may often feel your studies are mind numbing instead of mind stimulating". I do agree with this statement that he makes, due to the fact that most of other teenagers in third worlds can never have the education I will ever have or other teenagers have, and I feel as though kids take their education for granted. Let's face it, we all do. "Uhh, I have to do an essay on top of math questions on top of studying for three tests on top of a project on top of reading a book for English on top of reading and highlighting 10 pages for religion class. Oh yeah, maybe I can get an hour of sleep....wait, no, I forgot about SAT prep. I can just sleep tomorrow night  guess." This is usually the thought of an average IHA student. Sitting in class, thinking that the clock is actually ticking backwards wonder how it's even possible.  However, did we ever stop to think...

I know we complain a lot about how much work we have, and I do admit, I'm guilty of complaining about the amount of work my school gives me. However I am thankful for it in the long run. I am thankful for the education I am being given. And I believe that by the end of senior year,  most of us IHA students will realize that all this hard work we're putting into ourselves will pay off. Look at the picture. Have you ever really thought about it? How many lives could be saved if that one person could afford an education? So start listening in class, get off whatever other website you're on instead of taking notes, listen to your teachers, study for your tests, do your work, because you never know. You may be the person to cure cancer. You may save millions of lives. Use your education wisely.

1 comment:

  1. I think your topic is very interesting and agree that we often take our education for granted. I always try to think how lucky I am that I go to IHA and receive such a good education that will benefit me in the future. But people who cannot afford an education in a private or catholic school still need to have the same benefits and outcomes as I would or the girls from the IHA community would. Knowledge should not be limited to students who have the potential of making a difference in the future. Awesome topic!!
