Thursday, February 14, 2013

*please ignore the creepy baby type troll thing in the background of this video, I honestly do not even know or want to know to be honest, I hope it doesn't distract the viewer too much*

The all time question that plagues the back of student's minds, night after sleepless, caffeine filled night writing paper after paper that they'll never remember in months to come: "is college really worth it?"
When we think of the first positives of college, we think of:

  • how we'll have such a well rounded education after we graduate and complete our courses
  • the job opportunities which we will be presented to in life through having the degree of our choosing 
  • the future in general, how we believe it will be benefiting us better if we have a college degree to guide us through life
And as an IHA student, I can speak for us all that we are CONSTANTLY  being pressured regarding the topic of college, making Naviance pages basically the first few weeks of freshman year, correct? 
"Welcome to Immaculate Heart Academy! So nice to see you decorated your laptop case, it looks great. Now, let's talk Harvard." 

So college really worth it?
  • 10 page papers assigned in one night due the next day about literally nothing that is re searchable
  • Classes start at 8 in the morning....and end at 8 in the morning
  • some professors do not know your name yet it's the third month in and you sit right in front of their desk
  • the topic of living on campus or staying at to school every morning and come home every night or eat ramen for the next 4 years while typing your lab while the party next door is still going on at 2 in the morning, doing your own laundry *which may not be bad for some people* but becoming independent in general and having to clean up after yourself 
  • roommates. Sometimes, they're just.......
  • job interviews every other week to hopefully be able to keep up with some bills
  • two words: student loans
However, in the long run, all those papers, noisy floor mates, ramen noodle filled nights will pay itself off.
If you pay close attention to the video, he will explain how dollar for dollar how college really IS worth your time and while. It basically pays itself off. 

So next time you think to yourself as you take time out of your busy schedule to do your dreaded college apps, maybe watch this video first and remember, it is worth it. You could always have that feeling of "I should have gone to college", "my future could be so different than it is now", "I could have such a better job" ,"I could be in such a better place in life than I am now". 

One more thing.....

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